Recovery from lower back surgery could often take weeks, even months to completely get back to your usual self and return to the daily activities you are accustomed to doing. Two common surgeries to treat conditions associated with lower back pain are laminectomy and microdiscectomy. While a microdiscectomy’s recovery period usually allows you to walk around a few hours post-surgery, a laminectomy’s recovery period typically requires patients to stay a few nights in the hospital.

The recovery period can often feel long and strenuous, however, if you choose a spine surgeon on Long Island at New York Orthopaedic Spinal Associates, we offer personalized post-surgery instructions for each of our patients.


There are many different conditions that could be contributing to your lower back pain. Here are examples of a few of these conditions and some of these symptoms:

  • Sciatica
    • Pain, tingling, burning, or numbness radiating from lumbar into the buttocks, oftentimes pain may radiate down the leg.
  • Herniated Disc
    • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the herniated area.
    • Muscle spasms.
  • Spinal Stenosis
    • Muscle cramps.
    • Loss of balance.
    • Dysfunction of bladder or bowel.
  • Degenerated Disc Disease
    • Tingling or numbness.
    • Weakness in muscles.
    • Loss of balance.
    • The pain worsened when sitting or bending.


When your spine surgeon on Long Island thinks you’re ready for the next step in your recovery period, you can begin doing certain exercises that can help relieve some of that pain and recover faster. Here are some simple exercises to kick off your road to recovery:

  • Prone Press Ups
    • While lying face down, place both hands under your shoulders flat on the floor. Using your arms, push your upper body up, while your hips and back remain relaxed, similar to the cobra yoga pose. Hold the position for two seconds, then lower yourself back down to a resting position.
  • Prone Straight Leg Raise
    • Once again lying face down, lift one leg straight in the air, hold it for 2 seconds, and then return back to the resting position.
  • Supine Lumbar Flexion
    • Lie faceup with your knees bent, gently bring your knees closer to your chest, hold for a few seconds with your hands for support, then lower them back to the first position.
  • Posterior Pelvic Tilt
    • Lie facing up with your knees bent and begin slowly rocking your pelvis backward, pulling your lower back closer to the floor, all while tightening your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for a few seconds, then release and return to the position you started.

Always remember to consult your spine surgeon on Long Island before beginning any of these exercises!


At New York Orthopaedic Spinal Associates, we utilize the McKenzie Method, which focuses on exercises that extend the spine in attempts to relieve pain. With the help of a medical professional, an exercise plan is created so our patients can continue their recovery progress. If you are experiencing back pain and would like to see a spine surgeon on Long Island, book an appointment with us today!